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8 | KPMG Alumni

Defining your difference

                                                             Working with your
                                                                      spouse can be bliss
                                                                      or a nightmare,
                                                                      depending on how
                                                                      you approach the
                                                                      endeavor. But Brett
                                                                      Tromp, CFO at
                                                                      Discovery Health,
                                                                      says that working
                                                                      with his wife,
                                                                      Candice, at KPMG,
                                                                      was a wonderful
                                                                      experience. That,
                                                                      coupled with his
                                                                      involvement in his
                                                                      twin boys’ lives,
                                                                      has given him the
                                                                      strength to lead
                                                                      successful teams.
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